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Our Team


People are companies most valuable resource and our team of installers & engineers are the main reason for our success. This has not happened by chance but over many years of development and training. Dan Maries, a director of Mardani Facade Ltd said that 'we have been blessed to have quality people supporting our business' and refers to his team as 'our family'. One of the keys to our success is empowering transparency on all levels. Dan further says 'I realize that without input we will not be able to achieve our goals both professionally and personally'. 'We continue to grow strong as a team and we strive to become more unified. We are constantly seeking out new relationships where we can and continue to surround ourselves with the caliber of people that helps us make a difference. As a company we value our employees, we value each other and want to make sure that we all feel appreciated, included, and empowered. We are always actively searching for additional team members that share these same philosophies'.

                                                                  Daniel Maries, Director

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